Our Fears

Gengcheng: frightened, scaredThe Chinese use lion dancing to celebrate many special holidays and festivities.  Businessmen believe a lion  will bring them prosperity, so they hang up a cheng (lit. green), a stalk of vegetable with a red envelope as a prize.  With gongs and drums in the background , the lion dancers will reach for the cheng, sometimes with one man standing on the shoulders of the other.  The expression gengcheng comes from the spectators being afraid that the dancers will … [Read more...]

Jiyauh- Knowing Weakness

Jiyauh: without hurry, slow, leisurely.The I Ching speaks about appreciation for subtleties.  A clever man sees a small change and predicts great outcomes.  When he knows (ji) the weak (yauh), he can forecast the strong.  Small twigs grow into thick branches.  Things strengthen over time.  Take a look at the Anping Tree House in Tainan, where banyan trees overtake a building.   Starting from small sprouts, they now support the structure.My blog, like a tiny seedling, holds the potential to burst … [Read more...]