Gifts for Seniors

“Be generous, and the favor will be returned.”


Having recently moved, I realized something: I’ve got a lot of junk. (Of course, I still boxed everything up, and it’s all sitting prettily in my garage.) Sometimes when I get a gift nowadays, I think, Do I really need this extra thing?

If I fast forwarded a couple of decades, what would really count? It makes me wonder about the best gifts for seniors. Here are some ideas. The article talks about presents of value, and some other options to add would be gifts of:

  • Memories (Going through old albums or discussing interesting life events before it’s too late)
  • Time (Spending moments together, even with something simple like a walk)
  • Touch (A hug or even a pat on the shoulder is often more touch than older people get on a regular basis)

What gifts do you value?

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  1. First of all good luck with your move. That’s something I’ve done quite often and it can take a toll of your precious writing time. But it is also true that moves help us to sort through our belongings.
    Perhaps because I am getting older I appreciate time gifts, homemade baking, and service gifts much more than any others. Except books!!!
    A walk with a friend I haven’t seen in a while, a pedicure with my daughters, a homemade gift certificate for a free reading of one of my manuscripts (one of my daughters’ gifts!) or a picnic on the beach with my husband (all prepared by him) are now some of my favorite gifts.
    And I agree that aging people need even more than younger folks the gifts of time.
    I send photos on a flash drive to my mom who lives in France. It’s her favorite gift since it allows her to see her family when we are away for too long.

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