Canada, Here I Come

It’s been years since I’ve traveled internationally (thank you, pandemic). Later this week, though, I’ll be heading to Canada. To Surrey, BC–my first time there!

I’m grateful for the chance to attend the Surrey Writers’ International Conference. It’ll be a lot of fun, and I’ll need to turn on my conference mode.

Since it’s been so long, I had to make myself a checklist of items to think about:

-Passport: Oops. I found out that my passport had actually expired, so I had to renew it. This required the dreaded task of taking new pics. (Factoid: Costco no longer offers this photo service.) No matter how hard I try, I feel like my passport photo looks very much like a mugshot.

-Weather: I needed to check the temps at my new destination. I’m unfamiliar with the Canadian climate, so I had to do research. Turns out the forecast is . . . rain. Hope this SoCal gal handles it well!

-Luggage: I readily admit that I’m not super strong. I’m all about lightweight luggage I can handle by myself. This, of course, may be outweighed by all the stuff I need for traveling overseas (see above point about weather).

-Currency: Oh, wait. I can’t just take over my American dollars? On the bright side, I’m happy to have my credit card company do all the work. Credit cards are portable and can auto-convert the currency. Also, I’ve heard that rideshare apps should be able to work internationally–guess I’ll find out soon.

-Local flavor: This is the best part of visiting a new place. I love seeing different sights (though I might be mostly at the hotel because of the conference). I’m hoping to at least squeeze in some good snacks and local goodies.

Any tips on things to do/eat/buy in Canada? And have you traveled overseas recently?

Goobne Chicken
Surrey International Writers' Conference

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