Off to Bouchercon 2023

Hey all, I'm off to sunny San Diego for the Bouchercon convention! Here's my rough schedule of events: ~Thursday, August 31, 2:00pm PacificAnthony Best Humorous panel~Thursday, August 31, 9:00pm PacificOnce Upon A Crime~Friday, September 1, 11:00am PacificCozy Author Spotlight~Friday, September 1, 7:00pm PacificUnderrepresented Voices reception~Saturday, September 2, 2:20pm PacificCozy is not a Four-Letter Word panel I'll also be at events for Sisters in Crime (SinC) and … [Read more...]

Hurricane Blonde reading            

It’s been a minute since I’ve gone to a book reading—as an attendee. I’ve done multiple events in the past and am scheduled for a few upcoming activities. I almost always do these events in conversation with a partner or in a group. Kudos to the brave soul who goes solo, like Halley Sutton. I first met Halley through the 2020 Debuts group. We authors bonded over books coming out—and the pandemic. That really threw a wrench in all planned gatherings. I was lucky that I got to do one launch … [Read more...]

Of Newsletters and Blogs

You readers are dear to me, but time is also important. In fact, I’m taking a break from some intense developmental edits to bring you this message. NEWSLETTERI’ll still be keeping this blog but focusing more on my monthly newsletters. Sign up here: *Side note: Since MailChimp has upped the pricing of their services, I’m currently trying out Flodesk. Let me know what you think of it! If you enjoy the new format, you can also do a trial run and … [Read more...]

It’s My Book Birthday!

Happy book birthday to me! HOT POT MURDER is out today! I've already gotten a few lovely reviews I'd like to share: “Great characters and a delightful mystery filled with luscious descriptions of food.”—Kirkus Reviews“The second installment of Chow’s cozy mystery series set at a California market, Hot Pot Murder is as charming and delightful as the first…Spending time with these characters is a treat, but—full warning—this book will make you hungry.”—Parade ABOUT THE BOOK Trouble is … [Read more...]

Anatomy of a Successful Library

I’ve been to a few interesting library spaces before. These included buildings with cute aquariums and puppet show theaters for kids. The other day, I got invited to do an authors lunch (along with Dr. David Unger) at the Huntington Beach Public Library. This was at their central library; I really loved spending time there, and I appreciated how they created a successful library space. Firstly, they offered a great physical environment. There’s actually a drop-off zone right next to the … [Read more...]

Anthony Award nomination

Hurrah! Good news! DEATH BY BUBBLE TEA is a finalist for an Anthony Award in the Best Humorous category! Check out the full list here: … [Read more...]

The Second Time Around

I've wanted to go to Malice Domestic for a long time--THE convention for traditional mystery writers (and readers). But it also requires flying five hours to get there, along with a brutal time change. I did go last year to check it out. And I admit that I was intimidated. Things I didn't enjoy? -Getting turned around on the Metro-Trying to pack my schedule (and not resting or eating well)-Feeling lost when others around me seemed to know each other already-Being (briefly) mistaken for … [Read more...]

Media Mentions & Event Updates

A quick note to catch you all up on some amazing mentions and great events in the near future! On the media front: Death By Bubble Tea has been recommended on Sassy Cat series is mentioned for its mystery vibe splashed with romance: For events, I'm gearing up to head over to Malice Domestic in MD this week. It'll be a full schedule, … [Read more...]

Kirkus Reviews

Confession: I've always loved a good rewards chart. When I was in elementary school, my teacher ran a reading contest. The person who read the most number of books (and earned the most stickers) got a reward at the end of the school year. Since I adored reading, I took on the challenge--and zoomed ahead on the chart. At the end of the year, I won! My prize? A coveted gift card to the local bookstore. (Where I promptly went to purchase Anne of Green Gables books.) Today, after a year … [Read more...]

News: Malice Anthology & Book Sale

I've got some exciting news for you! My short story, "The Fall of the Tech Titan," will be in the upcoming Malice Domestic Anthology. This is such an honor! More details here: Also, Book 1 in my Sassy Cat series is on sale for a limited time. Get an e-copy for yourself, your friends, or your family for only … [Read more...]