"A friend is a present you give yourself." Speaking of presents, Black Friday is around the corner. I don't participate, though, because I really don't need to stand in line to get my favorite gift--books. As the weather turns colder, I love snuggling up in a blanket and cozying up to a book. But what's better than books? Discounted books! Recently, I discovered Runaway Goodness. I particularly liked their Prefunk the Holidays list with a ton of books discounted to $2.99. So now I've got a … [Read more...]
Christmas Socks
"It's nice to be important, but it's more important to be nice." Growing up, my aunt had this tradition of giving us clothes for Christmas. We knew which presents were hers--those telltale lightweight rectangular boxes! The worst was getting socks. I mean, did we really need socks every year? But nowadays, I like having fresh, fuzzy socks to wear. And it looks like I'm not alone. Seniors also like having toasty feet. In fact, there's a nonprofit called Socks for Seniors. (Check them out and … [Read more...]
‘Twas the Day of Christmas (a poem)
"Star light, star bright, your wish will come true tonight." Let me fill you in on what happened this past Christmas: 'Twas the day of Christmas, when all through the home Every creature was stirring and starting to roam; The presents were stacked under the tree with great care, In hopes that happy hands soon would be there. The children all jumped out of their beds; While visions of sweet toys danced in their heads; And hubby in his 'jammies, and I in my … [Read more...]