I've got some exciting news for you! My short story, "The Fall of the Tech Titan," will be in the upcoming Malice Domestic Anthology. This is such an honor! More details here: https://www.malicedomestic.org/anthologies.html Also, Book 1 in my Sassy Cat series is on sale for a limited time. Get an e-copy for yourself, your friends, or your family for only … [Read more...]
Twofer Tuesday
I have two wonderful announcements to make today! #1 First off, the Midnight Hour anthology releases today! It got a starred review from Publishers Weekly and received this praise from Kirkus Reviews: "An excellent collection of stories told from many different viewpoints." BUY LINK: https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/673674/midnight-hour-by-abby-l-vandiver/ #2 This coziest of giveaways is happening through November 19 for books and a special limited-edition … [Read more...]
Number One New Release
Hi All, Just a quick reminder that Brave New Girls: Heroines Who Hack is out now! This anthology of teen heroines has already hit #1 for New Release in Children's Steampunk Books. Pick up a copy for yourself or your favorite adolescent! Proceeds go to the scholarship fund through the Society of Women Engineers. … [Read more...]
Hi All, The sci-fi anthology I'm a part of is ready for pre-orders! Remember: this anthology features teen girl heroines. Plus, the proceeds go to a scholarship fund for the Society of Women Engineers. Order today to help current and future science and tech leaders! The following retailers can be used: Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B07CWM3FMK/ Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/books/1128616257 Kobo: … [Read more...]
Brave New Girls
"Personal achievement will be your key to happiness." Hi, all! If you remember, I recently posted that I was part of a STEM science fiction anthology for girls. The title of the volume I'm in is Brave New Girls: Tales of Heroines Who Hack. You can find a list of all the titles in the anthology, along with short descriptions of the stories here. … [Read more...]
STEM anthology
"You lead by example, which inspires others." Hi, guys! Guess what? I'm part of an amazing anthology coming soon to you. I love encouraging girls to delight in their intelligence. Fun fact: My short story gives a nod to Chinese mythology. More details below: Today, I’m revealing the cover and story line-up for BRAVE NEW GIRLS: TALES OF HEROINES WHO HACK, coming July 2018! This YA sci-fi anthology (edited by sci-fi authors Paige Daniels and Mary Fan) features … [Read more...]