Have you heard of Left Coast Crime? If you’re a crime fiction fan and live West-ish (western US, Canada…), you might know of it. This exciting conference for fans brings together readers and authors for a wonderful time of connection. Every year, it changes locations. In 2023, it’ll be held in Tucson in March. I’m really excited about LCC since my book, Death By Bubble Tea, has been nominated for a Lefty Award in the Best Humorous Mystery category. Find me listed next to Ellen Byron, my … [Read more...]
ARCs, Glorious ARCs
September 14, 2020 Leave a Comment
There's something really beautiful about being one of the first. It's a privilege and an honor. This is especially true for getting to read someone's book baby. It does take an extremely long time to write and then publish something. Although 2020 has been an absolute wild ride of a year, there have been silver linings. Advance reading copies, or ARCs, has been a delight for me this year. I've been able to read fabulous work from both established and new authors. In the above photo, … [Read more...]