Double the Authors, Double the Fun

“Your magnetic personality will draw people to you.”

I recently did a co-author book signing at local mystery bookstore, Book Carnival. This was my first signing event that I shared with someone, and I had a fabulous time! It was great having another author by my side, particularly the magnificent Carole Sojka. And it was a pretty full house, what with bookstore regulars, along with friends and contacts from both of us gathering together. We decided to do a Q&A format, essentially interviewing one another about inspiration, writing habits, characters, and settings. Here are some fun photos from the event:


The front of the bookstore


featured authors

We’re in the “featured author” section


gift basket

The gift basket I raffled off


books on shelf

Our novels on the shelf with neat bookends



The lovely folks who attended our talk

Foodie Friday: Rose Tea
Foodie Friday First: Hollandaise Sauce


  1. Fun! If you ever do a talk/book signing in SF, let me know. I’d love to attend and learn about what goes into book signing.

  2. What a great opportunity. I’ve done two signings. Was crazy nervous both times, but it’s wonderful to have the chance to do them.

    • Jennifer J. Chow says

      Two signings? That’s great, Carrie. I think the more you do them, the less nervous you get (although there’s still a little bit of anticipation in the beginning, especially for introverts like us).

  3. Wow, I imagine that was a very exciting feeling! One day I hope to book signing. My goal is to be on a panel at the Comic Con someday, haha. I’m glad you had a good time. I wish I could have been there. :)

    • Jennifer J. Chow says

      Thanks, Brittney! I hope to do get to be part of Comic Con–I’d love to go one day and see you there!

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