The Second Time Around

I’ve wanted to go to Malice Domestic for a long time–THE convention for traditional mystery writers (and readers). But it also requires flying five hours to get there, along with a brutal time change.

I did go last year to check it out. And I admit that I was intimidated. Things I didn’t enjoy?

-Getting turned around on the Metro
-Trying to pack my schedule (and not resting or eating well)
-Feeling lost when others around me seemed to know each other already
-Being (briefly) mistaken for someone else

This year, I decided to take things easy. Well, easier. I already knew I’d have a lot to do as President of Sisters in Crime. We’d already planned on having a reception open to all our members, a special meeting for chapter leadership, and a lunch to celebrate the Dorothy Cannell Scholarship winner. Plus, SinC’s anthology, Promophobia, was up for an Agatha Award for best nonfiction (it won!).

Wearing my author hat, I also had other things to do. Death By Bubble Tea was up for an Agatha for Best Contemporary Novel…

A short story of mine was also in Malice Domestic’s newest anthology, Mystery Most Traditional. That all equaled to two panels and two signings.

I didn’t sweat it, though. I made sure to hydrate and eat and spend time really talking to authors and readers. This time around, what did I enjoy?

-Recognizing people at the conference
-Filling my tummy with good food while meeting up with others
-Giving myself breaks whenever I needed them
-Actively reaching out to people to chat

Next convention, though? I should definitely remember to take more photos! :)

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