"You are kind-hearted, hospitable, cheerful and well-liked." I’ve never celebrated Mother’s Day while staying in place before. It’s definitely different. What should I expect--backyard flowers? (Not to knock those. In my childhood, I used to cut our backyard roses and place them in a vase for my mom.) As it turned out, no backyard blooms for me. (This, though, may have more to do with the fact that I have a black thumb when it comes to gardening.)My family did an amazing job of gifting me … [Read more...]
A Dragon Boat Memory
May 25, 2015 Leave a Comment
"There is a prospect of a thrilling time ahead of you." Let me share a memory about dragon boats... I could hear my heart pounding as the race started—no, wait a minute, that was the drumming coming from the boats. Sleek dragon boats filled up the waterway. Their elongated bodies cut through the river, each movement forward a result of concentrated effort from the paddlers. The rhythmic rowing swept the winning boat into first place. Excited applause erupted all around me. People … [Read more...]