Jadai: to pretendDuring the last years of the Chin dynasty (around 211 B.C.), people suffered under a tyrannical government. A warrior named Hohng Yuh rose up and rebelled against the emperor. To get more followers to join him, he appointed a noble from the state of Cho as king. Hohng Yuh's army grew stronger and defeated the government. However, Hohng Yuh learned that he had made a poor choice in the noble he had selected. Hohng Yuh drowned him by sinking his ship while he was crossing a river. … [Read more...]
The Marshmallow Tree and Other April’s Fool Jokes
April 1, 2013 3 Comments
Filed Under: April Fool's, Cantonese, Chin dynasty, Chinese, Chinese saying, Gretchen Rubin, joke, marshmallow, Mouse Tales Press, prank, story, writer, writing