Follow Fest Post

I’m excited to participate in Follow Fest today and connect with other writers!
Thank you to Melissa Maygrove for organizing this blog hop. Here’s some info about me:
Name: Jennifer J. Chow
Fiction or nonfiction? Fiction
What genres do you write? Multicultural, women’s fiction
Are you published? Yes, my debut novel, The 228 Legacy, was recently released by Martin Sisters Publishing. It’s a multi-generational novel that’s inspired by a historical event. I also have several stories published in literary magazines.
Do you do anything in addition to writing? I take care of two young kids :)
Where can people connect with you?


Author pages:


Is there anything else you’d like us to know?
I post twice a week on my blog: Mondays are musings tied to Chinese proverbs, while Fridays showcase cultural culinary delights. Thanks for reading this, and I’m looking forward to meeting everyone!


The Importance of Moon Cakes
Foodie Friday: Satay


  1. Nice to meet you Jennifer. Congrats on your publications, and much success to you in the future!

  2. I look forward to your Monday musings w/ Chinese proverbs. I believe I have you covered on all mutual venues and hope to see you around.

  3. Hi Jennifer! Nice to meet you. Looking forward to your Friday post. :-)

  4. Hi Jennifer!

    Good luck with Follow Fest! I’m having such fun visiting all these different blogs…;~)

    I am host of WRITERLY WISDOM WEDNESDAYS on my blog where authors, agents, and illustrators provide guest posts on everything regarding the writing and publishing industry. Come by some time and join the fun!

    Take care,

    Donna L Martin

  5. Thanks for participating in Follow Fest. :)

  6. Hi Jen, it’s nice to meet you! I’m a serious foodie, so I’m psyched to see your Friday posts :) Welcome to Follow Fest!

  7. So great to meet you, Jennifer. I’m also mom to two young kiddos. I’ll have to check out your book.

  8. Congrats on getting your book published. It’s really nice to meet you :)

  9. Chinese proverbs? Very cool. I’m following you on Twitter, FB, Goodreads, and I “liked” your Amazon page.

  10. Which historical event inspired your novel?

    And mmm, culinary delights. :)

    Nice to meet you!

    • jenniferjchow says

      Hi, Charlie! It’s a not-well-known event in Taiwan history known as 228, where a large number of Taiwanese citizens perished.

  11. It’s great to meet you, Jen! Congratulations on your book, it is heading straight to my TBR list as it sounds like my kind of read. Looking forward to following you here and elsewhere. :)

  12. Your novel sounds really good. Congratulations on getting published! I’ll go check out your links.

  13. Congratulations on being published. I’m still working on my first story. I’ll follow you as soon as I get home from work.

  14. Hi Jennifer, good to meet you through Follow Fest. Best of luck with your books and your writing!

  15. Congratulations on the publication of your debut novel The 228 Legacy! Visiting a Fortune Cookie factory sounds so interesting… to see the magic behind the cookie ( :

  16. Hi Jennifer, it’s nice to meet you through this fest. Congrats on your publications. And I may have to share your blog with my brother – he just published a short story based on an Asian proverb.

  17. I saw multicultural in your description and i swear we went loco!Lol. Great to see other authors who see the importance in incorporating multiculturalism in fiction. Aside from our writing blog, my sister and I run a multicultural book blog, where we only review books that feature diverse leads.Hopefully we can connect through our writings!

  18. Hi Jennifer! Great to see you on the Follow Fest linky. Hope you get exposure for you new book!

  19. Hey, Jennifer,
    It’s good to meet you. I’ve listed my kidlit blog for this follow fest, but like you I write women’s fiction (among other things), I enjoy reading fiction that includes Chinese & Japanese culture, so I’ll check out The 228 Legacy. Again, it’s lovely to meet you.

  20. Nice to meet you, Jennifer. I love your blog’s tag line! Your Chinese proverbs posts sound very intriguing. :)

  21. Hello! It’s nice to meet you. I also signed up for the follow fest. It is a good opportunity to meet other bloggers/authors. Congrats on your publications for your novel! I wish you much success. I sent a friend request on Goodreads and I also followed your blog! :)

  22. Hi Jennifer! It’s so nice to meet you! You have a lovely blog!

  23. Your blog sounds lovely. Hope to read a lot more of it soon. :-)

  24. Hi Jennifer, thanks for stopping by my blog! Great to meet you and good luck with your book!

  25. Hi Jennifer! It’s great to meet you on Follow Fest. Congratulations on the release of your novel. The historical event behind it sounds compelling.

  26. Hi! Congrats on the novel, it sounds so interesting.

  27. It’s so nice to meet you, Jen! I’m following now. :)

  28. Hi Jen! I’m really slow at getting back around from Follow Fest, but I LOVE your site. You’re a foodie–no wonder you love cheese. =)

    • jenniferjchow says

      Thanks so much, Crystal! I even made sure to visit the Tillamook cheese factory when we visited the Portland area :)

  29. Hi Jennifer. I’m catching up from follow fest–nice to meet you!

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