Dragonfly Dreams Relaunched

As promised, with the closure of Booktrope and the reversion of my rights, I’ve relaunched my latest young adult novel, DRAGONFLY DREAMS. In celebration, I’m offering a sale price of 99 cents until June 17th. If you’d like to, feel free to pick up a copy for you or a friend!


DD front cover--png

Eating as we Age
Foodie Friday: Japanese Curry
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Brand Name
Jennifer J. Chow
Product Name
Dragonfly Dreams
USD 2.99
Product Availability
Available in Stock


  1. Charging it now on my Kindle. Cannot wait to read it. The first pages are promising. Good luck.
    So sorry for my more sporadic visits. I’m busy with my latest YA novel. Starting to query. Wish me luck!

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