Calls for Diversity in Literature

“You will attract cultured and artistic people to your home.”

lots of books

This is a quick post about exciting opportunities I’ve seen cropping up recently. I’m really happy to see more calls for diversity out in the lit world. Here a few that I’ve heard of:

  • Writing from Color & Native Voices (WCNV) Contest. A competition to make sure all voices are represented. See the finalists on their web page, including my friend Mona AlvaradoFrazier‘s BEYOND THE BARS!
  • Just. One. Book. Author Margaret Elysia Garcia asked folks to pitch in one book (including those with diversity) to re-stock and revive her local school’s library.
  • YA Short Story Contest. We Need Diverse Books is asking for entries for a new anthology (please submit by July 18th).

Feel free to add anything else you’re aware of!

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  1. Thanks a bunch for the shout-out about the WCNV contest. I’m happy to read that Just.One.Book has reached their goal about their requests for books and how that revitalized their town’s library.

    This is how we embrace and enhance diversity in literature and among our communities, by sharing resources, discussing the topic, and embracing other voices which your post is all about.

    • Jennifer J. Chow says

      Thanks, Mona! I’m so excited about the drive forward to diversity. It’s a movement that I wish existed when I was younger, so I could see my face reflected in books more often.

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