Hurricane Blonde reading            

It’s been a minute since I’ve gone to a book reading—as an attendee. I’ve done multiple events in the past and am scheduled for a few upcoming activities. I almost always do these events in conversation with a partner or in a group. Kudos to the brave soul who goes solo, like Halley Sutton.

I first met Halley through the 2020 Debuts group. We authors bonded over books coming out—and the pandemic. That really threw a wrench in all planned gatherings. I was lucky that I got to do one launch event (with the fabulous Deanna Raybourn) before everything got cancelled. Halley, though, has done all virtual events—until yesterday.

I’m glad I was there to attend her first live event. Moreover, I got to support a local indie bookstore: pages in Manhattan Beach. Special congrats to Halley on the release of her second book, The Hurricane Blonde. It’s a dive into the underbelly of Hollywood—and I’m here for it!

The Hurricane Blonde novel with blue cover and yellow title and blurred image of woman with lipstick under water. Book is set against brown paper bag with "pages" bookstore logo and pink bookmark with "pages" name

I came to Los Angeles for grad school, and I wondered how TV and film had shaped my understanding of the region. I’ve yet to do a stars tour, but I have hiked to the Hollywood sign, been to a studio taping, and enjoyed events at the Hollywood Bowl. Can’t wait to dive into this Hollywood noir novel!

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