It’s been a minute since I’ve gone to a book reading—as an attendee. I’ve done multiple events in the past and am scheduled for a few upcoming activities. I almost always do these events in conversation with a partner or in a group. Kudos to the brave soul who goes solo, like Halley Sutton. I first met Halley through the 2020 Debuts group. We authors bonded over books coming out—and the pandemic. That really threw a wrench in all planned gatherings. I was lucky that I got to do one launch … [Read more...]
Hurricane Blonde reading
Anatomy of a Successful Library

I’ve been to a few interesting library spaces before. These included buildings with cute aquariums and puppet show theaters for kids. The other day, I got invited to do an authors lunch (along with Dr. David Unger) at the Huntington Beach Public Library. This was at their central library; I really loved spending time there, and I appreciated how they created a successful library space. Firstly, they offered a great physical environment. There’s actually a drop-off zone right next to the … [Read more...]
Busy, Busy Bee

Hey all, This week will be packed! Today, I'm off to celebrate the anniversary of The Bookish Hour podcast. Come join me!It'll be two nights of Mystery March Madness with great authors. I'm on for tonight: March 14th stream: 16th stream: Also, I'm flying out to Tucson for Left Coast Crime soon! I'm nominated for a Lefty Award for Death By Bubble Tea, and I'll be on two panels and busy with multiple … [Read more...]
Off to Bouchercon

Just a friendly note saying I'll be traveling to Bouchercon (9/7-9/11). If you're going, find me there! … [Read more...]
Boba Tea and Mystery

I recently enjoyed an author event with the perfect title: Afternoon (Boba) Tea & Mystery. The rhyming factor is great, and what’s better than some refreshing bubble tea in the afternoon? Special thanks goes out to the Northern California chapters of Sisters in Crime and Mystery Writers of America for co-sponsoring the event. This was an offsite activity that coincided with the Bay Area Book Festival. Here is a signed copy I got of Kelly Yang’s Yes We Will: I had a fun time … [Read more...]
Malice Domestic Experience

This past weekend, I attended the Malice Domestic convention in Bethesda, MD. It’s definitely my-cup-of-tea-conference since it focuses on traditional mysteries. First challenge: mastering the Metro. I had to attempt to read a map and do a transfer to get to the hotel. (Let me add here that the Metro employees are very helpful.) Success! It did take a while, but I made it to the conference. Admittedly, it felt overwhelming being with a large crowd of readers, authors, and publishing … [Read more...]
Wordless Wednesday: Malice Domestic 2022
The Magic of Indie Bookstores

I recently did a joint book signing with Ellen Byron at an indie bookstore, Mystery Ink. They have a new location which faces a main street in Huntington Beach. I hope a lot of customers spot the store and drop by. It’s a cozy space with great books for readers—and, of course, signed copies from local authors. Indie bookstores, I believe, are magical. The first bookshop I ever visited carried children’s books, and the owner was delightful. I was a kid on the hunt for something enticing … [Read more...]