Writing Community & Ill-Fated Fortune

Writing is a solitary activity, but being a writer, or an author, requires community. Without regular support, writing goals can go on hiatus or disappear. I’m happy to say that there are many fellow authors and readers who are excited to cheer a writer on! I’m compiling an incomplete list of people who are boosting me as my newest book, Ill-Fated Fortune, comes out tomorrow! Please check out these bloggers/BookTubers who are providing encouragement and bookish love: 1) A Bookish … [Read more...]

While At Bouchercon

I’ll be honest. Bouchercon has intimidated me for years. A mystery fan convention that regularly boasts over 1000 attendees? That’s scary for an introvert like me. This year, though, I wanted to go in person, to mingle with authors and fans, and also to celebrate Sisters in Crime’s (SinC) 35th anniversary. (I’m currently VP on the national board and nominated to become President starting October 1, when the new term rolls around.) Here are highlights from my trip: SinC Executive … [Read more...]

Book Review: Like A Sister

5 stars Genre: Mystery/ Domestic suspense Like A Sister by Kellye Garrett This book left me guessing with its myriad twists and turns. Lena is clearly the star of the book, and I appreciated her observations and dry wit. I also enjoyed getting to know NYC a little more and all the insider tips and details. The family dynamics are done really well in this story—the complicated relationships we have with dear ones around us. Technology is interwoven in a smart way throughout this … [Read more...]

Malice Domestic Experience

This past weekend, I attended the Malice Domestic convention in Bethesda, MD. It’s definitely my-cup-of-tea-conference since it focuses on traditional mysteries. First challenge: mastering the Metro. I had to attempt to read a map and do a transfer to get to the hotel. (Let me add here that the Metro employees are very helpful.) Success! It did take a while, but I made it to the conference. Admittedly, it felt overwhelming being with a large crowd of readers, authors, and publishing … [Read more...]