Foodie Friday: Roast Pig

Roast pig: succulent pork with roasted, crispy skin

roast pig

Trying out the Kalua pork pizza last time made me think about roast pig. In Hawaii, I wasn’t a huge Kalua fan because there is a Cantonese style of roasted pork (siu yuk) that I adore. (In fact, I can’t believe I haven’t blogged about it before!)

The actual translation for the Chinese name is “roasted meat,” but I’ve always seen pork used. Restaurants in Chinatown will even dangle whole pigs in their window cases to attract hungry customers. The best park of the siu yuk is its super crunchy skin (think pork rinds, and you’ll get the general idea).

Some people dip the meat in sauce, like hoisin. I, though, have always enjoyed the plain and unadulterated version.

Here’s a recipe for making your own roast pig.

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