Foodie Friday First: Kalua Pork Pizza

I ate my first slice of…

Kalua pork pizza: tender smoked pork on pizza

kalua pizza

Summertime reminds me of lazy days at the beach. I remember going to Kauai for my honeymoon. The water there was amazing–so sparkling and toasty warm. A lot of people spotted sea turtles while snorkeling (but not me!).

While there, I went to a luau. They served kalua pork, smoking a whole pig in the sand. It was wrapped in banana leaves and cooked over koa wood.

Kalua pork is very tender, but it offers an overpowering smoky flavor. Honestly, I wasn’t that enamored with it. But when I tried the pork on a pizza recently, I thought it made the best taste combo. The pork was paired with BBQ sauce, which created a tangy sweet flavoring that was irresistible.

Fun fact: I took hula lessons and danced for a few years. 

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  1. […] out the Kalua pork pizza last time made me think about roast pig. In Hawaii, I wasn’t a huge Kalua fan because there […]

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