Iced in Paradise 5 stars Genre: Contemporary cozy mystery Hirahara pens an excellent ice-cold murder mystery in Iced in Paradise, her first book in the new Leilani Santiago series. As always, Hirahara does an excellent job of infusing interesting historical and contemporary details into her story. I particularly like the insider’s perspective on living in the Islands as opposed to the typical Mainlander view. All the characters in the novel are strong and unique. Leilani, the … [Read more...]
Foodie Friday: Shoyu Peanuts
Shoyu peanuts: soy sauce flavored nuts with a crunchy edible shell I wasn't quite sure what to think about these treats when a family friend brought them from Hawaii. Looking at the package, I noticed the label of "shoyu peanuts." Shoyu basically equates to soy sauce, so I was hesitant about the flavor choice. However, when I tried them, I really enjoyed these peanuts. They've got a satisfying savory taste. They actually remind me of Boston baked beans (the red sugar-coated … [Read more...]
Foodie Friday: Poke
Poke: Fish salad Poke places have been popping up everywhere around me. I'm not sure if it's a health trend that's spreading or what. Since I do like sashimi at times, fresh tuna salad seemed like a great idea. What I love about poke is the Asian flavor infused in it; I'm all about the marinade. Feel free to make your own at home with this recipe. Fun fact: Fishermen in Hawaii would use their catch to make poke and eat it as a snack. … [Read more...]
Foodie Friday First: Kalua Pork Pizza
I ate my first slice of... Kalua pork pizza: tender smoked pork on pizza Summertime reminds me of lazy days at the beach. I remember going to Kauai for my honeymoon. The water there was amazing--so sparkling and toasty warm. A lot of people spotted sea turtles while snorkeling (but not me!). While there, I went to a luau. They served kalua pork, smoking a whole pig in the sand. It was wrapped in banana leaves and cooked over koa wood. Kalua pork is very tender, but it offers an … [Read more...]
Foodie Friday: Egg Tart
Egg Tart, or dan tat: circular pastries characterized by an egg custard middle and pie-like crust on the outside Egg tarts are, hands down, my favorite part of dim sum. I was distraught when I missed it twice in a row this past Chinese New Year's. These delicious egg pastries come in two kinds:-Original: A thicker, heavy crust that surrounds the soft inside -Crispy: A delicate crust that flakes off at the slightest touch (my preferred version)If you're ever in the Hawaii area, you can find the … [Read more...]