Fave Five Costumes

"Keep your goals away from trolls." It's that time of the year again. Now I'm not into spooky and scary. I hate horror books and films. But the occasional dressing up is fine by me. Three years ago, I made a list of Asian-inspired costumesĀ that I've actually worn or admired. This time, I'm highlighting my fave five: 1. Bruce Lee (top martial artist). My hubby dressed up as him while we were dating--> thus, marriage. Cute baby … [Read more...]

Asian-Inspired Costumes

"A man is judged by his clothes, a horse by its saddle." - Chinese proverb We examine people based on their outward appearance. In fact, it's been said that you have seven seconds to make a good first impression. Shakespeare, himself, said that "the apparel oft proclaims the man" (Hamlet: Act 1, Scene 3). Autumn brings a bit of relief because we can be creative in our attire. Yes, it's that time of the year when the wind nips at our cheeks, the leaves burst into color, and pumpkin spice … [Read more...]