Wordless Wednesday: Ducks in a Row
Foodie Friday First: Duck Burrito
I ate my very first Duck burrito: a huge burrito stuffed with duck meat My family took a recent trip to Mammoth Lakes for summer vacation. (It was amazing--and there's still snow at the top!) Anyway, we also went to Roberto's, a local Mexican restaurant. On their menu, they featured a duck burrito. As you may well know, I'm a huge fan of duck (roast, Peking, etc.), so I had to try it. It's actually a pretty tasty experience; the meat complemented really well with the spices and brought … [Read more...]
Foodie Friday: Peking Duck
Peking duck: renowned Chinese dish, consisting of roasted duck, served with pancakes Turns out that my brother’s a big fan of Peking duck, so this post is for you, bro! While I’ve debated the merits of roast duck and Peking duck before, I’m concentrating today on this imperial dish. Indeed, Peking duck was known to be served to the emperor during the Yuan Dynasty. And in the mid-20th century, it became a national symbol of China’s culinary delights to tourists and diplomats. Peking duck … [Read more...]