"Genius is eternal patience." Confession: I go on Twitter to check and see how my submissions are going. (As in, maybe that editor will tweet something favorable about a new manuscript that landed in their in-box.) In reality, though, I need to resign myself to the waiting game. Publishing tends to be a crawling business. Another way I find my hours spinning by on Twitter? Hashtags: #mswl Manuscript Wish List; what hot topics agents and editors are looking for #querytip Ways to … [Read more...]
Twitter Timesinks
August 22, 2016 4 Comments
Filed Under: queries, submissions, writing Tagged With: #mswl, hashtags, publishing, Twitter
Mission: Submission
November 5, 2012 2 Comments
Sihdaahn: anything will doAt times, Cantonese phrases get abbreviated. For example, "si-mouh-geih-daahn" means "without restraint of any kind." The shortened term becomes sihdaahn.Please accept my submission. When I think about submissions, I'm in a sihdaahn mode. Any positive response will uplift me. Last month, I participated in Khara House's Submit-O-Rama challenge. For October, I queried three literary magazines a week, for a total of 15 entries.Here are my results: 1 acceptance, 1 … [Read more...]