It’s panic time. Less than one month before my next book launches. Even though I’ve done it several times now (Bookshop link to all my books), I’m still nervous. I have a checklist of places and people to contact: bloggers, bookstores, fellow authors. Yet I still wonder, Am I forgetting someone? My next release is Death By Bubble Tea, and it comes out July 5 (preorder here). Interesting timing. Will it launch with fireworks or fizzle out? If you want to know more about my new culinary cozy … [Read more...]
The Countdown Begins
June 10, 2022 2 Comments
Filed Under: boba, bubble tea, cozy mystery, writer's life Tagged With: book launch, Death By Bubble Tea, IG reel, Jenn McKinlay, July, LA Night Market Mystery, Murder & Mayhem, new book, preorder, swag
You’re Invited to a Party!
June 29, 2015 6 Comments

What's the fun part about launching a book? A party. Here are some highlights from the launch of my debut novel, The 228 Legacy: Cupcakes Fun raffle Kids' crafts Reader testimonials Yummy snacks What's not to love? I even got to connect with online buddies (thanks, Linda!) and reconnect with old high school friends (thanks, Paul!). So here's your official invite for my next party in honor of Seniors Sleuth. So Cal folks, come join the fun! Book … [Read more...]
Filed Under: author, book, party, Uncategorized Tagged With: book launch, Carole Sojka, Seniors Sleuth, The 228 Legacy