It’s conference season time! As an author, a lot my time is spent in solitary creation. There comes a few points every year where I actually get to go out and meet folks, including readers. This happens at book festivals, and to a smaller extent, at bookstores. Fan conventions, though, are a different beast entirely. These gatherings invite readers to mingle with their favorite authors. They’ve been on pause (or virtual) for the last few years, so I’m excited to see them up and running … [Read more...]
BookBub USA Deal
"Now is a lucky time for you--take a chance." I was so excited to score my first BookBub deal for 99 cents—in the USA! I’ve done some other BookBub promos before (international for Seniors Sleuth). The popular newsletter offering discounted books gets about 300 submissions a day to be featured in their daily emails; they accept only about 10-20% of those requests. Getting selected at the 99 cents price point was a huge win for me. It meant that I actually would receive revenue for … [Read more...]
Fourth of July Sale!
"You will soon bring joy to someone." Happy 4th of July, everyone! In celebration of this great holiday, I'm offering 50% off my cozy mystery, SENIORS SLEUTH. Find it on Smashwords: Make sure to use the coupon code SSW50 when you check out! … [Read more...]
I’m a CLUE finalist!
"You will soon be receiving some good written news." I'm finally getting back into the groove after my Taiwan vacation. Sometimes it's nice to get away to reflect on things and not experience the doubting waiting game known as submissions. I didn't get any notifications while I was gone, so I was pleasantly surprised to find that Seniors Sleuth is a CLUE finalist. The CLUE awards are run by Chanticleer Book Reviews and recognize the best thriller and suspense novels. I'm on the 2015 list for … [Read more...]
My Writing Community is like a Japanese Puzzle Box
"You will discover an unexpected treasure." Japanese puzzle boxes are elegant wooden creations. They can be solved by a simple squeeze or through a dizzying array of pulls and pushes. The puzzle box originated in 19th century Japan and held a good luck charm on the inside (once you finally opened it). My online writing community, Wordsmith Studio, is like a puzzle box. Each pull and twist of a member's writing journey adds and enhances my own. For example: Twist one Khara House's … [Read more...]
By The Numbers: Blurbs, Formatting, and More!
"Your lucky number for this week is the number three." Actually, this post is brought to you by the number 9. Countdown has begun for my cozy mystery, SENIORS SLEUTH, to be released on May 9th. My head’s been swimming with numbers while sorting through all the kinks of making this book happen: Cover Design 10 sample covers my designer made me It's been intense trying to find an image that sets the right mood. I need something that projects light-hearted and funny. It's also got to … [Read more...]