"The eyes are wide but the stomach is narrow." -Chinese proverb _______________________________________________________________________________________________ The Tale of the Reappearing Fish: a 626 Night Market Fairy Tale Once upon a time, there was a princess named Jennifer. The royal chef made plates of Chinese delicacies for her to consume but forbade her to eat until the designated meal time. The princess would watch the fire dance in the pit of the wok's belly and smell … [Read more...]
Foodie Friday: Lumpia
August 9, 2013 Leave a Comment
Lumpia (Taiwanese-style): fresh spring rolls populated with a mix of vegetables and meat I admit it, my first association with lumpia is the fried Filipino version (very tasty, by the way). The Taiwanese ones are more akin to spring rolls or mu shu than egg rolls. It uses the same technique as the fresh rolls, by softening a wrapper and placing all the cooked goodies (use any ingredient you desire) inside to bundle together. Fresh garlic paste can be smoothed on to provide an extra kick. … [Read more...]