This festivity happens (hopefully) once a year—or maybe more if you’re lucky. It’s the celebration known as The Great Unboxing. Authors finally get to hold their literary lovelies in their hands, right before it reaches the rest of the public. Almost every writer I know does an unboxing video on this occasion. Check out my Instagram reel for the unboxing of Death by Bubble Tea (out July 5). There are a few things that I’ve learned along the way about receiving and unboxing author copies. … [Read more...]
5 Ways to Instagram
October 2, 2017 2 Comments
“You have a captivating style all your own.” I used to carry about a proper camera. It was one of my most prized possessions as a child. Unfortunately, I was horrible at taking pictures. In those days you had to develop film, and I’d get maybe one or two usable shots. With digital nowadays, I just delete the ones I don’t like. Instagram takes photography up a notch, since people get to share their photos with the public. Here are 5 ways to Instagram: Raw. Take all your shots, but … [Read more...]