“You have a captivating style all your own.” I used to carry about a proper camera. It was one of my most prized possessions as a child. Unfortunately, I was horrible at taking pictures. In those days you had to develop film, and I’d get maybe one or two usable shots. With digital nowadays, I just delete the ones I don’t like. Instagram takes photography up a notch, since people get to share their photos with the public. Here are 5 ways to Instagram: Raw. Take all your shots, but … [Read more...]
Tips for Podcast Interviews
June 12, 2017 Leave a Comment
"You are never selfish with your advice or your help." Recently, I got interviewed for Sheena Yap Chan's podcast, The Tao of Self Confidence. I was excited to contribute my observations about gaining confidence. I love the idea of encouraging other people with Asian heritage to find their voices and be proud of themselves. Kai Oberhäuser I've done a few podcasts now, and here are a five things I've learned along the way: 1. Opportunity: First off, getting a podcast means actively … [Read more...]