Laughing into next year

“Better to make a net than to yearn for fish at the edge of a pond.” -Chinese proverb

New Year resolutions are about being pro-active. Oftentimes in life (and particularly in writing), you’re on the receiving end; the only thing you can change is your attitude. This year, my one word resolution is: laugh.

Here are some funny things that have improved my mood over this past year:

Foodie Friday: Fried Squid
Foodie Friday: Fried Rice


  1. I just discovered the Fung Brothers in November with their Asian Thanksgiving video. Freaking hilarious stuff!

    “Laugh” is a good word for you. You have a great one. Here’s to a laugh-filed 2014!

    • jenniferjchow says

      I haven’t watched their Asian Thanksgiving video, but now I’ll give it a try! I got hooked with their boba music video.

  2. I hope 2014 is starting off good for you! I really like your resolution word. Laughter is good for the soul and can be quite healthy, at least that’s what I believe. :) I’ll have to check out those links! Happy 2014!

  3. My word one is “Move.” The 4 articles you listed really ‘moved’ me to laughter, especially the “9 wack things…”
    Happpy New Year!

    • jenniferjchow says

      Glad you enjoyed them, Mona! “Move” sounds like a great word, and I’m ready to see what kind of action you’ll achieve in 2014.

  4. Happy New Year to you, Jennifer.
    Your picks made me laugh, too. Although I’m not Asian, everyone who is from another place is perceived for ‘something’ and I agree that the best answer to racism, xenophobia, sexism… is LAUGHTER.
    Cheers to you and your readers.


  1. […] and then the determination falters. In the past, I’ve tried specific aims or even a condensed one-word resolution. This year, I’m going to embrace my pantser side. I’ll relish in the fact […]

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