I've given up on resolutions for years now. I like to do a one-word focus for every new year instead. This time around the sun, I'm aiming to RESTART. To me, this means having a fresh perspective on things and concentrating a lot on forgiveness. For others. But maybe even more so, for myself. One tiny example of this: On New Year's Eve, I didn't have the planned fun festive celebration I had anticipated. Our family get-together got derailed by sickness (colds--though I, thankfully, … [Read more...]
Neverending Revisions
February 29, 2016 8 Comments
"You will obtain your goal if you maintain your course." Remember when I had my New Year goals? Well, I'm a bit behind schedule. The only thing I've gotten done is getting the research books for my next Taiwanese YA novel (not reading them, mind you, just having them sit prettily on the bookshelf). They say half of writing (if not more!) is revising. It's funny how I've gone through my manuscript so many times, gotten other eyes on it, and I still manage to constantly tweak words and … [Read more...]