5 stars Genre: Mystery/ Noir elements Secret Identity by Alex Segura Such a good book. The beginning really immerses you in gritty, historic NYC as well as the comic book industry. Take time to soak up the noir atmosphere of Carmen’s world. I loved how Carmen was such a complex character, and her reminiscences only made the story stronger. Of special delight were the comic book panels (if only they’d been in color!) to really reflect the Lynx character. A wonderful book that … [Read more...]
Why Do I Write?
“You are never selfish with your advice or your help.” Last week, I wrote about NaNoWriMo. Apparently, Webucator, the national training company, had the same idea. They had two of their instructors, who are published authors, share about their writing journeys. For this whole November novel-writing month, Webucator is inviting authors to share about their experiences. Here’s my perspective: What were your goals when you started writing? I wrote my first story in elementary school. My … [Read more...]
Cover Art Reveal: The 228 Legacy
You cannot clap with one hand. What is a book without its cover? Despite the common saying, interesting images do draw readers in. In fact, every year I see lists for the best covers. I'm excited to reveal the cover art for my own book, The 228 Legacy. Keep an eye out for my novel on its release date, August 1st! p.s. My newsletter subscribers got a sneak peek prior to this post. If you want to stay informed early on, enter your email address below: Subscribe to my mailing … [Read more...]
Choosing Cover Art
Flowers look different to different eyes.Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. How do you catch someone's attention? Right now, I'm working on the cover art portion for my forthcoming novel. The nice thing about a small press is that they value your input, so I get to voice my opinions on what I'm looking for and collaborate with the designer. On the other hand, I have a steep learning curve to figure out how covers work.Two websites that are helpful for viewing stock photos and getting inspired … [Read more...]