How can it be December? The calendar must have sped up. I’ve conceded to this time warp, though, by beginning to listen to Pentatonix music. For some reason, as a kid I used to really like “The Twelve Days of Christmas.” Maybe it was the fun repetition or countdown of numbers. (Modern update: My nieces and nephews now do coordinated hand motions to the song.) I also like reflecting over the year as it closes out, so here’s my writerly spin on the List of Twelve: 12 Drafts DraftingMaybe … [Read more...]
At the Grocery Store
July 9, 2022 Leave a Comment
I like grocery shopping. Really, I do. I cherish it even more now than I did before. Having used grocery pick-up services back in 2020, I appreciate the chance to actually hold produce in my hands. Maybe food selecting is also enjoyable for me because it reminds me of past times with my mom. I’d tag along with her, pick fruit from the bin and maybe even weigh them on those nifty silver scales. If I was really good and well-behaved, I’d get a treat from the bakery (usually a roll). Or Tic … [Read more...]