Foodie Friday: Teh Tarik

Teh Tarik: pulled milk tea I heart this Malaysian staple. There's nothing like a frothy cup of tea to make me feel all cozy. It's also a simple recipe that lists only black tea and condensed milk as ingredients. The tea is supposed to be poured back and forth between containers to make those yummy bubbles on top of the beverage. Fun fact: Teh tarik is considered the national drink of Malaysia. … [Read more...]

Foodie Friday: Giant Boba

Giant boba: tapioca found in the world's largest cup of milk tea In honor of my love for the bubble drink, I've dedicated today's post to one huge cup of milk tea. I didn't actually drink this one, but I marveled at its size at the 626 Night Market this past weekend. Check out this video to see how they assembled the 5-inch balls. On a side note, I did purchase a similar but more consumable beverage and discovered white tapioca balls! They're the same size and shape as the black ones, but … [Read more...]