Lohksau Da Saamgaang: make mistakes at the beginning of workBefore the invention of clocks, the Chinese used a night watch-man to tell people the time. He struck a gong at specific hours:(1 hit) yatgaang: 7:00-9:00pm(2 hits) yihgaang: 9:00-11:00pm(3 hits) saamgaang: 11:00pm-1:00am(4 hits) seigaang: 1:00-3:00am(5 hits) nghgaang: 3:00-5:00amStriking three times when it was supposed be"yatgaang" meant a mistake (lohksau da saamgaang). We all make errors when starting a career, or even a hobby. … [Read more...]
Writer’s Digest West Conference- 9 Writing Tips
Writer’s Digest West Conference- First Impressions
Yatlauh: the bestIn China, from the Tang to the Ching dynasty, nine ranks of officials existed. The highest and first level was known as yatlauh. I attended the Writer's Digest West Conference this past Saturday. It was yatlauh, fulfilling and exceeding all my expectations. Let me break down my experience into three parts:1) Jamie Ford, the author of Hotel on the Corner of Bitter and Sweet: As a keynote speaker, he discussed being true to yourself and pursuing a story that resonates with … [Read more...]
Our Fears
Gengcheng: frightened, scaredThe Chinese use lion dancing to celebrate many special holidays and festivities. Businessmen believe a lion will bring them prosperity, so they hang up a cheng (lit. green), a stalk of vegetable with a red envelope as a prize. With gongs and drums in the background , the lion dancers will reach for the cheng, sometimes with one man standing on the shoulders of the other. The expression gengcheng comes from the spectators being afraid that the dancers will … [Read more...]