Pineapple fried rice: classic rice dish with tropical overtones Craving an exotic twist to simple fried rice? Layer some pineapple on top and voilà! Here are some fun pineapple facts: Name comes from its resemblance to the pine cone Produces beautiful flowers, ranging various shades of purple and red Sailors carried it to prevent scurvy Area near the base of the fruit is sweeter and more tender Dole Plantation's Pineapple Garden Maze is the world's largest maze The first … [Read more...]
Foodie Friday: Fried Rice
January 10, 2014 3 Comments
Fried rice: do I really need to explain? One of my blog readers asked me to put up more posts about my own cooking. The result: this foray into fried rice. It’s been said that fried rice originated because people needed to create an easy meal from leftovers. It's no wonder then that this was the first dish I ever made. (In college, after many years of my mom’s fabulous home cooking, I was sadly forced to fend for myself.) Like my mom and other Chinese cooks out there, I don’t … [Read more...]